KRS ONE Ruins the Chip Shop.

I’m a sucker for a hype clip and this got me reaching for the car keys and looking for any haunt with a setup!

Live from (probably) officially, the smallest Hip Hop venue in all of London, The cHIP sHOP.

For a venue that houses maybe 25 -35 people standing! they get all the big heads through, it’s this crazy mix of wild-as vibes with straight intimate shows, displayed here by this KRS ONE takeover recently.

if you ever around the Brixton way, pop your head-in, take a selfie and bathe i the utter legendary status of this cult-classic slab of brick.

Head-over and check the cHIP sHOP Show on CHUCK D’s RAPSTATION RADIO Saturday 8pm EST repeated Sunday 1pm GMT -


Size?sessions - (20:20 Mix) - #016 Mr Thing Full Set.


DJ Redef - 1llionaire Forever Routine.