The ONternet

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Djlazyboy - BLM Mix - Shade45 - Sway in the morning.

Using art as a method of protest is quite possibly one of the most righteous forms any Artist can assume, and so the old adage goes… ‘Life imitates art’

This one in-particular has really struck a chord… There’s been very few occasion’s previously when a ‘DJ mix’ has had such an emotional effect on the listener and this mix achieves new all new levels of meaning. Effecting change, audio-style!’

In an almost ‘Documentary-esque’ approach, the mix delivers an audio experience beyond the ear… one that reaches deep into the coffers of your soul in an attempt to pry out well-needed understanding, solidarity and the need to stand-up and make your voice heard.

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2019 Redbull 3style USA champ - DjLazyboy has left no stone unturned here, it’s overly apparent He has put in countless hours collating, curating and creating this incredible mix for the Sway in the Morning show.

In his words: ‘When I was hit up to do a mix on Sway In The Morning I knew just the mix I was going to do. The deadline was over 2 weeks ago, but I told them if they wanted it to be GREAT that they would need to give me more time. They did, but for this project it wasn’t enough. This has to touch people. It has to grab you by the ear. It has to make you think. It has to make you feel. It has to make you want to care. Everyday they kept asking where the mix was. I had to ignore my text messages and decline phone calls. Ask friends for help, and feedback and it still isn’t perfect or even where I want it to be. But sometimes rather than thinking about what is the best thing to do, it’s better to do something and improve from there’.

You too can help the cause, even from the comfort of the couch, a couple of clicks and you can simply share the mix through your networks and help spread light to this burning issue.

Once your finished there, head over to Dj Lazyboy’s handles and sing his praise here: