Neck of the Woods - Boosted NZ ‘Save Our Venues NZ’ Live stream with - IllBaz and JessB…

Click the image, watch the stream!

Auckland City live music venue ‘Neck of the Woods’ hosted this recent live stream in an effort to support local live music venues across New Zealand.

1st up is ILLBAZ & Jess B

Save Our Venues NZ is a group of passionate people from the New Zealand music scene, coming together to raise funds and awareness for for venues across the country.

Their mission is to ‘firstly help in an urgent, grassroots series of campaigns to raise money for our country’s smaller live music venues that make up a crucial national touring circuit, and provide vital community hubs for local music lovers.

Secondly, we exist to listen to what music venues are telling us they need moving forward, and to advocate for them with government, council, and decision making figures in the music industry’

Listen to the stream, like the page, spread the love!


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